About Hattie…
When Hattie goes to Grandma’s house, she runs straight to her bedroom, dives into the big chest, and throws on a hat.
Grandma has many, many hats—in fact, too many for Hattie to count—and each one leads to a hatventure of a lifetime!
A little rain won’t ruin the perfect day. Come along with Hattie on her first hatventure as she goes to the beach!
Stay Tuned…
I’m looking for early readers! If you would like to receive a sneak peek copy of Book 1: Hattie Goes to the Beach!, then please fill out the early reader form!
What this Means…
One More Thing…
If super fun and cool hatventures aren’t of interest to you, that’s perfectly fine! However, please keep in mind any family or friends—who may like super fun and cool hatventures—and share this information!